It's simple as that.
You introduce Codima to a reseller that you know and this results in that this reseller sells Codima products and or services. Stating the reseller is not already on the Codima books through another affiliate or in any other form already in contact with Codima. You receive a commission of 10% of what Codima has been paid during year one and there after 5% per year for the business paid in that following year for a period up to 3 years.
You introduce a customer that buys from a reseller or direct from Codima
You introduce Codima to an end user customer that you know and this results in that this customer buys Codima products and or services. You receive a commission of 10% of what Codima has been paid during year one and there after 5% per year for the business paid in that following year for a period up to 3 years.
Codima is growing and we hire people
You introduce a person that that becomes an employee of Codima. You receive a commission of 10% of what Codima has paid during year one in two instalments one after 3 months and one after 12 months after start of employment each instalment of 5% of the base salary
Codima is building up its databases. Codima is will to rent and purchase list. If you can locate list and present them to Codima then a commission of 10% calculated on the rental or purchase price. All rented or purchased lists will be rented or purchased according to local rules and regulations such as GDPR.
Codima needs several more copywriters for the websites, manuals, articles, and text for social media. Codima pays a commission of 10% to the introducer of what is paid to the Copywriter during year one of engagement
Frequently asked questions and answers
Somebody that initiates or introduces business or services to Codima Sample areas;
- Resellers
- Customers
- People to hire
- Influencers
- Prospect lists
- Copy writers
We offer a discount to educational organizations and non-profit NGO’s. Please contact us for details.
You earn money once the customer, reseller, distributor pays for a product or service or if Codima purchase services or employ’s resources as a result of introduction by the affiliate.
There are six types of introductions:
- Customers
- Resellers
- People to hire
- Influencers
- Prospect lists
- Copy writers
- Others
If you do not see a type that suits what you can provide then just choose “other” and explain for us.