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ユーザの使いやすさを考慮し統一されたインターフェースを使用しています。MySQL資産情報データベースは、詳細なレポート作成が可能な製品です。本製品は、ネットワーク自動検出によって作成されたデータベースを使用します。非常に使いやすい ITIL 機能により、デバイス追加を含む多くの詳細を追加できます。非常に特徴的な点は、プローブを使用したスケーラビリティです。まず、各プローブの配信はExplorerリクエストと並行して実行されます。次に、ITILは個々のプローブが自身で収集した情報を使用してセットアップされますが、エンタープライズビューは各プローブの情報をすべてまとめて表示します。製品のGUIは非常にコンパクトで、複雑なメニューのドリルダウンはありません。階層化されたタブ付き構造は、資産情報表を自動的に整理します。特に特別な設定をする必要は無く、 自動探索処理 の直後にすぐに資産情報を使用できます。自動探索処理は、任意の数の自動探索処理と履歴情報を保存し参照できます。その機能は、資産管理に含まれます。

This Network Discovery Tool, automatically creates a detailed Inventory of Software and Hardware and without using Agents. With 17 years of development, the field proven discovery engine, discovers large and small networks automatically. The results are stored in a MySQL Database facilitating direct customer access, it discovers old and recent devices using its extensive network protocol repertoire and huge device library. Multiple different networks can be discovered and stored individually, even giving you access to each historical version of your Network Discoveries.

Uses Of Network Discoveries

The performed network Discoveries creates one or more databases that are used in all other features and functions that Codima Toolbox provides. Most notable are the Inventory, Web and Visio Maps and Monitoring features, allowing for detailed reports and summarization of the network(s). 詳細情報はこちら


Codima Toolbox is a Network Discovery Tool that automatically creates an Inventory database of Hardware and Software assets in your network to help you keep track of all your IT assets in one place. To exploit the network audit, Codima Toolbox has a best-in-class Filtering and Analytics system just one click away. Hugely flexible and easy to understand with no limits on field types, including Custom Fields treated the same as standard fields, unlike other solutions.
One of the most time-consuming tasks for any IT professional is keeping up to date with all their network assets. By using Codima Toolbox you will no longer need to manually gather information about each network asset, Toolbox is one architecture in one scalable product allowing for Enterprises of all sizes. Once a Network Discovery has been completed you get, an accurate Enterprise view of your IT Inventory consisting of all your networks devices along with all software, which is created automatically.
Codima Toolbox ITILは、<ahref="/network-discovery/"ターゲットに詳細を追加する非常に強力なIT資産管理ツールです。 アカウント、エンジニア、在庫管理、ネットワークサポートで使用できる= "self">ネットワーク検出。 多くの既存のソリューションの問題は官僚主義であり、多くの場合、広範なトレーニングが必要です。これとは対照的に、CodimaToolboxは使いやすいです。

ITIL Framework

Codima Toolbox’s ITIL Framework boosts productivity, visibility and addresses security concerns about deployed Software and Hardware. Our ITIL Framework transforms a typically tedious process into an almost fun task – as it is so sublimely easy to use. The Inventory system uses the Discovery Engine to populate the device database. An extensive list of fields is setup automatically by the Discovery Engine, however fields such as detailed Location, Suppliers, Monetary Values, Warranties, and device state like Scrapped or In Storage cannot be set automatically. They need to be setup by the user with the ITIL Framework.
With Enterprise View, that overused expression ‘The World at One’s Fingertips’ can be made reality using Codima Toolbox Probes to span your entire Enterprise. The Enterprise View feature is the definition of scalability as it allows for worldwide network management from a single location.
The feature Enterprise View delivers true scalability of deployment and performance extending Network Discovery, Inventory, Mapping, Monitoring on a large scale. The Enterprise view can cover locations worldwide. It is based on the concept of an Enterprise View which is edited by the user to create a collection of network views enabled by Network Discoveries.
The Probes Architecture is used to extend the geographic reach of the Network Discovery through an entire Enterprise. They can be viewed locally and as part of Codima Toolbox Enterprise solution used to aggregate reporting. The Probes operate in parallel giving true performance scalability and consistent access speeds. There is no limit to the number of Probes deployed. Live Web Maps and Live Monitoring can be viewed remotely, from multiple Probes on one pane of glass in real time giving a true enterprise view.

Parallel Operations

Probes and managers use the same software and share the same installation procedure, making deployment an uncomplicated process. The critical advantage of the Probe architecture is that data stays local and only information is transferred between Codima Toolbox systems. Additionally, the Probes run parallel operations, so a request for a whole enterprise view of ‘what Cisco Routers are near End of Support’, is processed at the same time on all the Probes, greatly speeding up the process, and minimising the retrieval time.
Codima Tech