Track hardware, Software and Users
Codima Network Inventory Toolbox is an Agentless Network Discovery and Network Inventory tool that acts as a Hardware Inventory System and Hardware Asset Management Software.
The Toolbox GUI is very compact with no complex menu drill-downs. A layered tabbed structure automatically organizes Asset views. The Toolbox is ready to go directly following a Network Discovery with no extra configuration necessary.
The scalability has no limit as using Probes. Each Probe runs in parallel to any request.
The ITIL information is available through Enterprise View.
The Toolbox documents and enables deep exploration of the MySQL asset dbase using a consistent and compact interface that makes the product easy to use. It primarily uses the database created by a Network Discovery, the ITIL functionality allows a host of extra details to be added including adding extra devices. The Network Discovery can be scheduled and supports any number of Discoveries plus Historical Versions.