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Experienced and professional support team

Codima Support

We know reliable support is critical to your business success. Codima Support encompasses three types of support to ensure responsive and accessible support, free e-mail support and Codima Support Plan either included in annual licenses or purchased together with perpetual licenses, purchased from Codima and/or its partners. In addition, we offer consultancy services to all end users.

Codima Free Support

Codima provides free e-mail support to its evaluation and free software users.

Support Plan

  • Codima annual licenses includes the Support Plan
  • Codima Perpetual Licenses customer can purchase Codima Support Plan.

Codima Support Plan

Codima Support Plan provides personalized, pro-active support directly from Codima or through our authorized partners. By joining the Codima Support Plan end users have access to our partners’ support teams and/or the Codima Support Team in three time zones via email and chat and can be escalated to telephone. In addition, Support Plan customers will also receive product maintenance such as hot fixes and minor product updates between the major releases automatically. Customers also have access to all the tools available as part of the Free Support plan. Codima Support plan is included for the first year when purchasing Perpetual licences therafter charged for per year in advance.

Codima Consultancy Services

Codima offers an array of consultancy services, including online training webinars, deployment and configuration consultancy and customization of the customer control panel. Codima consultancy services are available on request.

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Codima Support Plan is included in all Annual Licenses and for the first year when purchasing a perpetual license if a Codima Support Plan is purchased within 30 days of the delivery of the license to the user.


Codima Perpetual Support Plan may be cancelled up to 60 days prior to the yearly anniversary of the support plan. If not cancelled before that date the partner or end user will be invoiced for the coming year and the support fee is due no later than the anniversary date of the licenses.

Re-instatement Policy

Codima Perpetual Support Plan can be re-instated if all backdated support has been paid for in full, backdated support being defined as from the earliest date, may it be the purchase date or the latest anniversary of the support plan, to the current date. The end user must purchase 12 months of support starting from the latest anniversary on all tools for the Codima Support Plan to being re-instated. The purchase is automatically invoiced thereafter.


If a cancellation has not been received more than 60 days prior to the anniversary of the Perpetual Support Plan, then the full amount is due for the following 12 months from the anniversary date. Payment is to be received by Codima not later than the anniversary date. If payment is not received, the Codima Perpetual Support Plan will be terminated immediately.


  • Codima’s Free Support available to all evaluation users and end users who have received free licenses – it is only handled via e mail and chat – it includes Release Notes, Codima Toolbox Help, Product Guides and E-mail support during business hours.

  • Codima Support Plan is included in the annual licenses or is available for purchase to all end users at the time of their Codima Perpetual license purchase

  • Codima Support Plan for Perpetual Licenses is purchased for up to 5 years effective from order date invoiced annually in advance.

  • Codima Support Plan includes Release Notes, Codima Toolbox Help, Manual, Product Guides, E-Mail support during business hours, Priority Support during business hours, Hot fixes, Maintenance and minor updates.

  • Codima Support Team or partners responds to support emails during business hours in the Time Zone for North America, EMEA and ASIA

  • Hot fixes and minor version updates (i.e. from Codima Toolbox 9.0 to Codima Toolbox 9.1 etc) are distributed free of charge to end users that have an active Codima Support Plan. Major release when it goes from 8.5 to 9.0 for example are not included in the Codima Support Plan.

  • Codima Support Plan varies depending upon the lifecycle phase that the product is in – the current support status information for each product can be obtained from Codima Support

  • Codima offers consultancy services including online training webinars, deployment and configuration consultancy and customization of the customer products.

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